
My second award

I am extremely sorry for taking so long for this special post. With inspections, exams, open house and preparation for primary concert  made me spin on my toes and I am still feeling dizzy .

Who does not like awards . Here comes my second award........... I am thrilled and very very happy to receive my  second award from Hindustanka who herself has a lovely space   with her crocheting artwork and powerful commentaries about  her life in India .

Huge thanks to Hindustanka for passing this award to me and appreciating my work.

With all  due respect I pass this award to
1. Yasmin
2. Mousumi
3. Fatimah
4. Hadiyah
5. Sangeetha



Hindustanka said...

Hi, Ghazala!
I'm so glad you found time to post about the award :)
Have a nice weekend!

Unknown said...

Salaams Ghazala!
Thanks so much! Have a nice weekend and don't forget to relax a bit. ;)

Sangeetha said...

Thank you, dear Ghazala. Very sweet and kind of you.
Regards, Sangeetha

Unknown said...

There is a award awaiting for me.... yahooo.I am so happy to have a friend like you.Thank you so very much for passing this award to me.
Thanks a lot dear.
Best wished.